Imagine That - SWIS Lesson 14, 15 and 16
Hi mums and dads, trust that you all had a good break last week. I did...we went to Port Dickson for a short break and it was good to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life and just sit around doing nothing ;-)
You know, I've been writing lesson plans for SWIS since lesson 1 and I hope you all have been reading it and benefitting from it. But no one has left a comment so would be nice to you can give me some feedback such as whether you would want me to continue...or don't bother as no one really reads it...or where I can improve etc.
Ok, the last three lessons of SWIS. I'm going to try something different. We will be basically reviewing some of the favourite activities during class time, those activities that the kids had fun doing and this time around, I try to be less hands on and see how well the kids have learned through this semester. It will be a chance for me to observe the independent learners and those that need more guidance.
During parent sharing time, it will be a treat for all of you who have brought them faithfully week after week without fail - dancing, singing and playing with us. The kids will put on little mini concerts - pieces of songs that I feel they can perform independently to showcase what they have learned and most importantly, to boost their confidence by performing in front of parents and friends. So, most welcome to bring cameras to capture these moments, and of course both parents are most welcome to be present in the room.
The vital thing to remember here is not whether they have perform right or well....the important thing is that they have confidence to do it and as parents, our job is to cheer our darlings on. The essence of Imagine That curricula is to bring out the creativity in each child and to acknowlege their ideas and their abilities. If I as an educator can see a child moving towards this direction, then I rest at ease knowing that I have manage to 'bring' that out in a child and I have done my job.
So mums and dads, I look forward to seeing you all this saturday.