Saturday, November 08, 2008


Sorry folks, have been pretty busy lately with many things : new music classes, bible study and vacation bible school ( check out this blog

Vacation bible school is happening in two weeks time at our church. This year I am in the planning committee and we have currently about 400 kids registered to come over one week, two sessions a day. I am also in the midst of planning for the family day concert...which involves me dressing up and acting as a Hawaiian queen.'s going to be lots of fun and I bet pretty tiring too.

In December, if all goes according to plan, I will be helping the youth organized a drama workshop for their annual youth camp. Have in mind to do something like " Whose line is it anyway?" At the moment, no time to dwell into this yet until VBS is over at the end of the month.

Music classes are going great. Opening up a new class this Saturday. A new challenge but am looking forward to this opportunity to bring music awareness of these kids to a higher level, and developing further their love in music.

Adam is also saying goodbye to his old kindy in November. He will be starting Year 1 in a new school, Tenby International School in Setia Alam, joining Alex who is already there, doing his Year 9. Praying that he will settle well in the new school, with longer school hours. Mummy has to get use to waking up earlier too!

So you see....that is why the silence.....hehe...just no time to sit down!
