Toys Lesson 8
Dear mums and dads, so sorry for being late this week with the lesson plan. I just got bogged down with too many activities and too little time. I already have the lesson plan in hand weeks ago but just couldnt find the time to sit down and put it on the blog.
We are going to start the lesson with drums....again using this versatile and fun percussion instrument to practice and develop listening skills and strengthening rhythm play. I know the kids love the sound of the drums and when all the kids play together in the same rhythm, it is indeed a enjoyable and awesome experience for them. This is one of the benefit in having a group music class. Apart from the social aspect, the joy of making music together as a group is definitely much greater for children in this age range. I am sure this is true even for adults!
We are going to Build me a boat again this week but we will have more 'tools' this time around. Rhythm sticks to hammer and saw, sandblocks to sand, bells to screw and colourful scarves for painting stripes and dots! We are going to have a whale of a time building our boat with our imagination and pretend play.
After building the boat, of course we then have to sail out to sea, sea, sea. Let us see how well the kids can remember to move in their boats ( hoops) to the rhythm of the sea, sea, sea.
We are then going to learn about different types of boats: sail boats, motorboats, and row boats. How can we convert our hoops into different types of boat? How can we row, row our boats; or sail, sail our boats; or vroom, vroom our boats?
When we are Out Here on the Sea, we have to use our eyes to find different sea creatures and compare them to the pictures I have in my sea creatures book, an exercise of learning about sea creatures and the ability to compare and contrast visually.
Then after a hard day work out in the sea, we are going to lie down and watch the stars at night while we use our ears for some analytical listening.
A familiar and much loved song, Twinkle, twinkle little star, will close our lesson this week. I hope you remember the torchlights! And I almost forgot, I BIG salute to all of you for bringing in all those home made boats! We had boats made out from paper, plastic, banana ( yes!!!), coconuts (!!!!)...we had sail boats, row boats, boats with roof, boats with was wonderful to see how imaginative the kids and the parents. THANK YOU!
See you this week my dears......