Christmas Eve 2008
Hi folks, it is the time of the year which holds a special time for our family. We celebrate the birth of Jesus 2000 years ago. The time of the year when the Christmas tree is up, presents to be given and received, christmas greetings and cards from friends all over the world, and the time to be thankful for all the blessings that God has showered on us.
I am taking a break from teaching till January next year. It's nice to have this stretch of holidays, especially the weekends with the family. We are not going away, involved in church services for Christmas and New Year.
Please read our family blog which we updated: - we update this blog once a year so that friends can have a brief peek on what we have been up to as a family.
The kids are pretty excited about tomorrow. Christmas Day is just a very special day - no matter how old you are! Even as I am writing, my two older kids ( 16 and 13) are sitting down chatting by the christmas tree, trying to guess their presents! Adam is going to be one excited boy tomorrow as he will be getting the present he always wanted but mum and dad said no because it's too expensive.
Here's wishing all of you a blessed Christmas and a meaningful year ahead.
Much love.....