Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Half dead half alive!

Adam has a penchant of asking his friends whether they are Christians. He is very concerned whether his friends will eventually go to heaven and be with him forever and ever.

He was been asking a certain friend that he plays with quite often in the park....are you a christian? The poor boy said no the first time. But our friend here keep on asking him....why are you not a christian?

Well today. the friend decided he wanted to cover all grounds. He told Adam....Adam, I believe in all Gods OK?

Adam looked at him straight in the eye and said....then you will be half dead and half alive when you go to heaven!

Because you only half believe in Jesus.......


Hi, my 5 year old son ( 5 going 20!) loves to ask us meaning of words he doesn't understand. Mum....what does alert means? Mum...what does alarm means?

I got a pleasant surprise last night. He was playing with his toys and he asked me how to manipulate a certain device on the toy. I told figure it out yourself. He turned to me and said....but mum, you are so INTELLIGENT!

Hah....he didn't say clever but used the word Intelligent....Mmm....pretty good eh for a 5 year old?

This afternoon, he wanted to tie a rubber band on a chopstick and then tie it on his wrist. I was too lazy to figure out how to do it (!!!!) and he sighed....OK then, I will ask Che Che...since she is more CREATIVE!

Wah.....I am quite impressed lor....tee hee!
