Are You a Goose?
A Goose is Special
When we see pictures of geese flying south for the winter, have you ever wondered why they fly in a V formation?
Well, I discovered that by flying in a V pattern, the whole flock can fly 71% further distance and faster than if each goose fly on its own! You know, we can learn a precious lesson from the goose. As Christians, we are better off being together in our church family, doing things together than being on our own. That is why it is so important for us to meet on Sundays, to attend Sunday School, to attend home groups and prayer meetings.
The geese take turns to be the leader that flies in front. When the lead goose gets tired, he rotates back and another goose takes over. They share the workload. In church, we should do the same. We should share the work equally among us so that there will not be people that are totally exhausted running around doing everything, and some others just sitting around doing nothing. God gave each one of us gifts to be use to bless others. We are like one body with many parts…hands, feet, toes and nose. If some parts are not working, than the whole body cannot function properly.
Do you know that geese are very noisy creatures? They make all kinds of noise, and they honk each other as they fly. Do you know why? The geese honk from behind to encourage those up front!! These geese are honking to encourage one another as they make their long journey south. As a Christian, we too should do the same. I am not asking you to honk (!), but to encourage one another by words such as “keep up the good work”, “thank you for helping” or “you did a great job”.
Lastly, do you know that if a goose gets sick or wounded and can’t fly, two other geese falls out of formation and follow it down to help and protect. They stay with the sick goose until it is able to fly again…and then they launch out to catch up with their group. If we have the sense of a goose, we should stand by each other like that. When any of us are feeling down or sick, the others should come along side and be a support and friend.
I hope that as a church we can be like a flock of geese - fly together in formation, share the workload, encourage each other and share one another’s burdens. This is what being a church family is all about!
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